Blender Driver Scripted Expression Tutorials

  пятница 17 апреля
Blender Driver Scripted Expression Tutorials Average ratng: 3,9/5 7229 reviews

Scripted Expression - Orbit a Point¶ Orbit an object’s position around a point with a custom Scripted Expression. The object’s position will change when scrubbing the timeline. Using trigonometry, circular motion can be defined in 2D using.


Editor:Graph editor
Panel:Properties region ‣ Drivers ‣ Drivers

This panel is located in the Graph Editor with the mode set to Drivers.

The Drivers panel is for setting up Driver Variables or a Scripted Expression whichwill determine the value of the Driver Value.

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Update Dependencies
This will force an update for the Driver Value dependencies.
Remove Driver
Removes the driver from the property.

There are two categories of scripts: built-in (average, sum, minimum and maximum) andcustom scripts (Scripted Expressions).

Average Value
Uses the average value of the referenced Driver Variables.
Sum Values
Uses the sum of the referenced Driver Variables.
Scripted Expression
Uses a Scripted Expression. See Expression.You must write a Python expression which performs your own calculations on the Driver Variables.
Minimum Value
Uses the lowest value from the referenced Driver Variables.
Maximum Value
Uses the highest value from the referenced Driver Variables.
Scripted Expression.Here you can add variables, real numbers, math operators, math functions, Python properties, driver functions.See Driver Expression below for some examples.
Use Self
This allows for drivers to references their own data using the variable self.Useful for objects, bones, to avoid having to create a variable pointing to its self.
Show Debug Info
Shows the Driver Value.
Driver Value
The output value of the driver script.

Driver Variables¶

Distance setup.

Variable are references to properties or delta transformations which are a reference to two properties.

Add Variable
Adds a new Driver Variable.
Uses the copy of the current variable stack so it can be pasted onto another object’s variable stack.
Name to use for scripted expressions/functions.No spaces or dots are allowed and must start with a letter.
Variable Type

The type of variable to use.

Single Property

Use the value from some RNA property.For example, the Ambient shading color from a material.(see Fig. Setup of a single property.)First select the type of ID-block, then the ID of the ID-block, then copy andpaste an RNA property Ctrl-V.See also Custom Properties.

ID Type
The ID-block type. For example: Key, Image, Object, Material.
The ID of the ID-block type. For example: “Material.001”.
RNA Path
The RNA ID name of the property. For example: ‘ambient’ from material shading.
Transform Channel

Use one of the Transform channels from an object or bone.

ID of the object. For example: Cube, Armature, Camera.
ID of the Armature bone. For example: “Bone”, “Bone.002”, “Arm.r”.This option is for armatures.
For example, X Location, X Rotation, X Scale.
World Space, Transform Space, Local Space.
Rotational Difference
Use the rotational difference between two objects or bones.
Use the distance between two objects or bones.
Shows the value of the variable.


See also

  • Extending Blender with Python.
  • Python and its documentation.
  • Python Basic Tutorial
  • Python Advanced Tutorial
  • Python Useful Resources
  • Selected Reading

The Python standard for database interfaces is the Python DB-API. Most Python database interfaces adhere to this standard.

You can choose the right database for your application. Python Database API supports a wide range of database servers such as −

  • GadFly
  • mSQL
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000
  • Informix
  • Interbase
  • Oracle
  • Sybase

Here is the list of available Python database interfaces: Python Database Interfaces and APIs. You must download a separate DB API module for each database you need to access. For example, if you need to access an Oracle database as well as a MySQL database, you must download both the Oracle and the MySQL database modules.

The DB API provides a minimal standard for working with databases using Python structures and syntax wherever possible. This API includes the following −

  • Importing the API module.
  • Acquiring a connection with the database.
  • Issuing SQL statements and stored procedures.
  • Closing the connection

We would learn all the concepts using MySQL, so let us talk about MySQLdb module.

What is MySQLdb?

MySQLdb is an interface for connecting to a MySQL database server from Python. It implements the Python Database API v2.0 and is built on top of the MySQL C API.

How do I Install MySQLdb?

Before proceeding, you make sure you have MySQLdb installed on your machine. Just type the following in your Python script and execute it −

If it produces the following result, then it means MySQLdb module is not installed −

To install MySQLdb module, use the following command −

Note − Make sure you have root privilege to install above module.

Database Connection

Before connecting to a MySQL database, make sure of the followings −

  • You have created a database TESTDB.

  • You have created a table EMPLOYEE in TESTDB.

  • This table has fields FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, AGE, SEX and INCOME.

  • User ID 'testuser' and password 'test123' are set to access TESTDB.

  • Python module MySQLdb is installed properly on your machine.

  • You have gone through MySQL tutorial to understand MySQL Basics.


Following is the example of connecting with MySQL database 'TESTDB'

While running this script, it is producing the following result in my Linux machine.

If a connection is established with the datasource, then a Connection Object is returned and saved into db for further use, otherwise db is set to None. Next, db object is used to create a cursor object, which in turn is used to execute SQL queries. Finally, before coming out, it ensures that database connection is closed and resources are released.

Creating Database Table

Once a database connection is established, we are ready to create tables or records into the database tables using execute method of the created cursor.


Let us create Database table EMPLOYEE −

INSERT Operation

It is required when you want to create your records into a database table.


The following example, executes SQL INSERT statement to create a record into EMPLOYEE table −

Above example can be written as follows to create SQL queries dynamically −


Following code segment is another form of execution where you can pass parameters directly −

READ Operation

READ Operation on any database means to fetch some useful information from the database.

Once our database connection is established, you are ready to make a query into this database. You can use either fetchone() method to fetch single record or fetchall() method to fetech multiple values from a database table.

  • fetchone() − It fetches the next row of a query result set. A result set is an object that is returned when a cursor object is used to query a table.

  • fetchall() − It fetches all the rows in a result set. If some rows have already been extracted from the result set, then it retrievesthe remaining rows from the result set.

  • rowcount − This is a read-only attribute and returns the number of rows that were affected by an execute() method.


The following procedure queries all the records from EMPLOYEE table having salary more than 1000 −

This will produce the following result −

Update Operation

UPDATE Operation on any database means to update one or more records, which are already available in the database.

The following procedure updates all the records having SEX as 'M'. Here, we increase AGE of all the males by one year.


Blender Driver Scripted Expression Tutorials

DELETE Operation

DELETE operation is required when you want to delete some records from your database. Following is the procedure to delete all the records from EMPLOYEE where AGE is more than 20 −


Performing Transactions

Transactions are a mechanism that ensures data consistency. Transactions have the following four properties −

  • Atomicity − Either a transaction completes or nothing happens at all.

  • Consistency − A transaction must start in a consistent state and leave the system in a consistent state.

  • Isolation − Intermediate results of a transaction are not visible outside the current transaction.

  • Durability − Once a transaction was committed, the effects are persistent, even after a system failure.

The Python DB API 2.0 provides two methods to either commit or rollback a transaction.


You already know how to implement transactions. Here is again similar example −

COMMIT Operation

Commit is the operation, which gives a green signal to database to finalize the changes, and after this operation, no change can be reverted back.

Here is a simple example to call commit method.

ROLLBACK Operation

If you are not satisfied with one or more of the changes and you want to revert back those changes completely, then use rollback() method.

Here is a simple example to call rollback() method.

Disconnecting Database

To disconnect Database connection, use close() method.

If the connection to a database is closed by the user with the close() method, any outstanding transactions are rolled back by the DB. However, instead of depending on any of DB lower level implementation details, your application would be better off calling commit or rollback explicitly.

Handling Errors

There are many sources of errors. A few examples are a syntax error in an executed SQL statement, a connection failure, or calling the fetch method for an already canceled or finished statement handle.

The DB API defines a number of errors that must exist in each database module. The following table lists these exceptions.

Sr.No.Exception & Description


Used for non-fatal issues. Must subclass StandardError.



Base class for errors. Must subclass StandardError.

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Used for errors in the database module, not the database itself. Must subclass Error.



Used for errors in the database. Must subclass Error.



Subclass of DatabaseError that refers to errors in the data.



Subclass of DatabaseError that refers to errors such as the loss of a connection to the database. These errors are generally outside of the control of the Python scripter.



Subclass of DatabaseError for situations that would damage the relational integrity, such as uniqueness constraints or foreign keys.



Subclass of DatabaseError that refers to errors internal to the database module, such as a cursor no longer being active.



Subclass of DatabaseError that refers to errors such as a bad table name and other things that can safely be blamed on you.



Subclass of DatabaseError that refers to trying to call unsupported functionality.

Your Python scripts should handle these errors, but before using any of the above exceptions, make sure your MySQLdb has support for that exception. You can get more information about them by reading the DB API 2.0 specification.