Sudo Easy Install Pip Password
Apply the changes, source /.bashrc. Remember to append -user when installing modules; ie. May 13, 2015 Re: Python's getpass module can't be imported If you use pip, typically only use it as a user (pip install -user), or inside a virtualenv. It's too easy to mess with system packages by using 'sudo pip install' or 'sudo easyinstall' or 'sudo make install'.
Tool to creact CSV output from Avaya Communcation Manager commands.
Project description
**Author:** `Janos Tarjanyi`_
. _Janos Tarjanyi:
It is a Python script, to execute multiple commands on Avaya Communication Manager,
and write output data into the CSV file for later processing. It is ideal tool to
repeat a command many times which not available as import in Avaya Site Administration
Tool (eg. list usage)
As input arguments need to define the followings:
- host
- Username
- Password
- Input file
- Output file
For all available option use 'ossi_tool -h'
Usage example:
- $ ossi_tool sampleuser -ppassword -i commands.csv -o outputfile.csv
- $ ossi_tool sampleuser -ppassword -c 'list node-name all'
Installation (Linux):
In most Linux distribution the Python 2.7 is installed.
Ossi_tool can be easily installed by pip, it takes care about other dependecies.
- Check python version
- `Install pip`_
- $ sudo easy_install-2.7 pip
. _Install pip:
- Install ossi_tool
- $ sudo pip install ossi_tool
ossi_tool is ready to use ;)
Installation (Windows):
Because the ossi tool use pexpect wich is not compatible with Windows Powershell SSH client,
Linux Subsystem (WLS) should be used on Windows. You can chose many linux disctribution as
subsystem. `How_to_install_WLS`_
. _How_to_install_WLS:
When the WLS is ready to use all other step same like Linux usage.
- Check python version
- `Install pip`_
- $ sudo easy_install-2.7 pip
. _Install pip:
- Install ossi_tool
- $ sudo pip install ossi_tool
ossi_tool is ready to use ;)
Supported SAT commands
- display
- list
- mon
ossi_tool focuses those commands which are not scriptable by Avaya Site
Administration. With SAT export/import many change type commands can be achived
so it will not be part of the ossi_tool. If you have idea what command should include
drop me an* `E-mail`_ to discuss it.
. _E-mail:
Known issues
Check the project `GitHub page`_
. _GitHub page:
Release historyRelease notifications RSS feed
0.5rc1 pre-release
0.4rc5 pre-release
0.4rc4 pre-release
0.4rc3 pre-release
0.4rc2 pre-release
0.4rc1 pre-release
Sequenza VII, for oboeThis decision flirts with tonality, or more accurately, with the idea of a tonal center that is not dependent upon traditional harmonic progression. Luciano berio sequenza. Each sequence line 13 measures: It is reprehensible that we can assume that Berio not know particularly how each multiphonic, double harmonics and different fingerins for the sound “B”. AllMusic Featured Composition Noteworthy.Like a reverberating chamber, the development of Chemins IV mirrors and shatters the elements of Sequenza VIIsometimes receiving nerio anticipated echo in such a way that for the listener the oboe part seems generated by the eleven strings. Karura for Oboe Solo.
Download files
Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.
Filename, size | File type | Python version | Upload date | Hashes |
Filename, size ossi_tool- (9.5 kB) | File type Wheel | Python version py2 | Upload date | Hashes |
Filename, size ossi_tool- (8.7 kB) | File type Source | Python version None | Upload date | Hashes |
Hashes for ossi_tool-
Algorithm | Hash digest |
SHA256 | 98554342ce140b66c08fb24f6cb451761e36987dd5a6db8a98fc35a884f000a6 |
MD5 | 4eeadfa29d15c97fb6605b0da9ff31db |
BLAKE2-256 | f0313744dd3c2f763847041df129da3ff11d1c8391fff410e76230ca71c59bcd |
Hashes for ossi_tool-
Algorithm | Hash digest |
SHA256 | f8ebfadbaee9fd566752361917ef94656424f20a31b5cb79ca35107d5e9844a7 |
MD5 | f4e408e6358233739d0daae3820f1576 |
BLAKE2-256 | 7dd14d01ed15733930e975d43cb1a502bd5f0669c2c57fcc8649906c2f6e05be |