Touch And Go Akm 1998 Year For Mac

  четверг 19 марта
Touch And Go Akm 1998 Year For Mac Average ratng: 4,0/5 3334 reviews

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1 TIM ExtzX C.J CAT'-- '.V, l c: J r-. r v HeJpioed Pat Ifcss Ttr ., k u Jl (nodes dl Krtj $2 qunrfa dl raoa; SI uma Ira) ho ram $2 romo aW S2 pick lot k nan SI h W XI; 11 rang I mm; ana i ire iY 34 OF A 47-DAY AvJT, Track, Ow aid lost l Sod - - 3. Fimw Tha Mac 4. Rocky Done ISuryi 4 Roumt'i Cant 7. Gala J. GkJ US J Vcsms Jr F Aiwrodo 120 122 120 4, rn 7. Cntrry Mom LhUwaaoyt 1U 120 GGomi 118 t Dalchovaaaya 120 -4 I - J. 1 '4Uiri Pun. JiOMU) Addad hC4w?q handcop A handcap for BvssnnrQics. 0 mt - red at nre. HIST lAtt I'A mktfvnm $29,120 Ssartar AIowotb. TV' jrj - Jacks H. . : P. Asunaon 122 J. Aaaraa 117 LGaaan 117 A. Sab 114 t Oalahsuaasy 119 C Nakani 111 la hrkwn. Puns, $' 1. O. few yonroHi and up. Q p' o J. , h Torrs Od NoS & Mar On Duly . 1 Com Craak ' 4. lucky LacwaAow I Cent! I Cod. Cadi s Ha'i Constants' twoyaoroldi, CoUxwk. mm ' Jsckw Wt 1. OwiltuiuVdiTW . CGoma 118 I Fno Star CM P. Tsacano 118 1 Mrando'l Ad JL Alfaraz 118 4. Mwiwtfwfa M. Goroo 118 JGarnaa ' J. Gonadal 113 1 Homarnoda Vidae t Dafafoaaoys 1 18 7. Surproa Surpro 0. Soramon 1 18 Tli- RACL 7 furlong Pun HAJXQ Allowance. Fatal ond moral, fovryaor oldi and wp. Ran Jack Wt I. fir) EF J AHarat 114 1. looy Top B. Hone 118 3. Tomorrow SuMhn . A. Sob 118 AMattowlas ' . D. Soranaon 118 1 Homo Danoar J Voktvio Jr 121 I. 9. AAflfMSHfll fejsssT 3. Sin iacoma ' 4TwCMndar j. Sroiowoj 6. PramMiQ WondW 7 Ronton Summi ' 8, Wotdi My Smote Jd.v P. Tcacono 0. Ot J.Vno M. Goroo HOouoni P. Aatnon V. Fipsiqbb A. Soaa fcr Jack ft 1. A r bq C NiAaiM 113 2. Crri LrWmJr 113 !( ik. EC- 116 4.V wGM 0. Sorrnn 114 i Corona G. Om 114 o.tni A iM 113 7. C iiiiina D.FIorai 118 8. Avmar I Banc 114 (M J. ynoMi yl up. Ofwng pica: tuo: SEXTH UOiHd. Turf Pun liWOO Ncaa; M at iro. Cbno p S2j00. 1. Alpha FU 2. bdk SovMioK 3. Dnjmm Vuay 4. loaana 5. Cuba Gmoo 6. FaWfawGu . 7. Mound fay ' t Go Gory Go 9. OaOrni Vanlunj : 10. Ow Heuasn 11. Im - 12. My Canyon Jadun WL F. AKorado 11 t DaUwuMr 116 J. A- 116 S-tXic 116 , C Bad 116 lrVcar 116 . irWv 116 Kiuk 116 D. Fiona 116 ' C Nokokri 116 G. Gomaa 116 P. Toaoano 122 1. Boaai Gar Ban J. lea Zona 3. um'i Fonkay 4. AV. Grolaai 3. Fvoat'i Graol Sun 6. AJn Jo 7. turMiar 8. Pudata ' Jadw Wt. CBnoi 116 J. Scott 116 P. feacona 116 F. Vodn 111 V. E-wjs 116 LrWJr 116 J. Ar 116 IVatdnaJr 116 TlhihaCL JVi (urlonot. Puriti SU-C1 Tlww yaqr oMl ond up. CV.M'y pKtt KMJKTJ UCL IVit mrf. Puna, iiJXX) Afawm. Filial ond rkivm Amyoor oidi ond up Note Owtv itort rod of mo. 1. looy Codal Jackn Plrcoy Jr 118 SiVutiH Ua 6Vi furlon. Funis $100,000 'AMoir SloW Htm, iWyaorolifc, CotondL. ' . Ran ' Jachoy . Wt 1. Camorad . 0. Horn 116 3. Atanay at Tk Shaat F, Ahorodo 116 3. hmih A. Sola 116 4. btcM Tharau - 1 J.VokavwJr 116 ILudtyhan G. Gomaa 114 I, aVxUnvA Doncar 4. iNolaTlttOal Ufwljf 3 CiaWtai Wornoc 6 AVm Suraat ' 7. HuddM 8. Lotdi Tha AVwn 9. Dobob 10. Storm CM II Unit ii i Tin J ' 12. oountM . Muy G. Gomaa B. Smaan AA. rdrojo AA. Hyntar F, Atvorado . F. MortiMK W. Diaouai ' J. AlMU V. Enatoio XGonzokn J. Scott Fi Mmo Wt 122 116 120 116 123 116 122 116 122 117 116 120 ram roan HoknMnd Pal. kmiranrr) DmllJi X7-A Trocfc daor and Fat FRST Ua 7Vi fwlonoj. Puna. $17,000. Maidan Ocaming. Tlirayaoroldi ond up. Nana ' Ttunomi Jocka Wbfltia-Sliow C Block 4.00 2.40 2.10 CGoma 2J0 2J0 A. Sot . ' . : 2.40 Mownton Omm TIME: 1J0.0 ALSO RAN. AWviV, Daha Gkn. Mickay AAddo), Uano . Eslocodo - SCRATCHED-. NONE $2 Emclo (4) Pod $1000. ' $2 (Mo (4-5) Paid $64a SK0N0 HAG 6 iVIonga. Puna. $6200. AHowonca-Quamng, Thiaayaoroldi and up, - Jocka Wm-Plwa-SWvr : ' ' G. Gomat 30 30 2.20 - X Goraaln 7JX 260 IWiAim A. Sob , 2.20 TIME. Ii082 ALSO RAN. hapicrcfching. Bokra Boy (GB) SCRATCHED, Varu Ganut . , S2Douok)(S4)PoKJ$1080. . $2 Enocto (4-3) Fori $41 00 ' $2 Qunaka (34) PokI $290. -. 1MKB Mil 1 Aval tort puna, UUAU. Uaiming. Nkat, . LMKM i luaa 'jmorwOKNota, Stratch Port rod ot tan toot noway 450,400. Claming. FiHw, Jocfcov WaVtWo-Sbow Anaant Purpb J. Goraaka 3 5.20 30 Station lody G. Aknaida 30 2.40 Swaat Ekt ' ' L Fincoy Jr 1 - 30 HAM, -3i2 : ALSO RAN, Akr Boba, Mom'i Day, Mamaun Ante SCRATCHED, NONE $2Doubki(44)Poj$3980. $2 Exoclo (4-2) Pad $36.60. $1 Pick Thrw 544) Paid $35Ja $2 Ckta (2-4) Pad $12.80. FOtiRTK RACL 6 lurlonai. Puna, $13,000. Oaimira. rW yaor-oldi and up. Han Jockt Wlo-Plxa-Skaw Mte Foktoff J. Gornokc 8U0 3.80 2.80 fiocovi G. Gomat 2 JK 2.40 Sony Connadion . 0. Floral , 2.60 TIME: 1,10.0 ALSO RAN. Vh Sac. Suparb tdao (NZ), Hutomholal, HtKODUll : ' - ,.i'.f, . .1. $2f)ufaia(45)Pakl$4240. $2 Exoaa (5-3) Paid $24.40. $1 Pkk Thraa 445) Paid $89.20. . . $2 Cfcmaaa (3-5) Fad KM. FIFTH RACi IVb mk track, turf puna, $46,800. Maidan. Thraa yaoroldi end up. Nota: StratoS Hart roil ot tan Jaat ' Jockoy WnvPloco-Skow CNokotani 18.00 9.80 6.80 A. Soai 7.00 4.60 IVoldNioJr 50 TIME, 147J $2 Doubk) (57) Pad $74 2tt $2 Eocto (7-3) Pod $87.2a $1 Pkk Thraa 457) Paid $26070. $2 Outwfco (3-7) Paid $39.60. $1 Trinda (7-3-5) Paid $307 JO . SUTN RACE. 7 kirknaj. Puna, $24,00a Ckamra. far- yaor-oldi and up. ' ' Jockav Ow Momant r, Tima C Nokoroni Olda Stoddda - D. Floral Tm Fata R. Oougka TIME, 1,22.0 $2Doubla(78)Poid$5200. $2 Exoclo (8-9) Pod $34 00. $1 Pick Thraa 577 Paid $107.90. $2 CMnako (8-9) Paid $23.40. $1 Trindo (8-9-2) Pad $59.50. $1 Suparfada (8-9-2-4) Pad $436.40. W hlocO'$kow 40 3.40 2.60 70 5.00 - 3.00 SEVtMIH RACI 5h furkmav turf puna, $50400 AkW onca. Thraayaeroldi and up. Noti, Rod ot tan not Nana' Fonnvsanjnm Norlham Tnjca Dstanl Vantura Jack ay Whi-Ploca-Skaw R. Dougks 3940 12.80 4.80 V.Eioaxna i.40 3X Bdlooaau C Stock 240 TIME, 1,01.4 $2 Doubla (87) Pod $88 20. $2 Exoclo (7-2) Pod $149.80. $1 Pkk Thraa ff7,871 Pod $533.70. $2 Cfamoa -7) Pod $49.20. Rasuttt of Rwt 8 oat onikkla at trail tint. gray' celt was the even-money favcrits. 'I'm sick,' Baf.'ert said after SUver Ctarm fished secc-d, three-quarters of a length ItlLzi Touch Go! J. ' r.:.l . Q JLzt, nictnamed 'The Fth' teciuce he loots narrow when viewed head-on, was the 6-5 early favorite to beat 12 other 3-year-olds. There was only a seven-horse field last year. Two challengers will be Victory Gallop, the Arkansas Derby winner who was second in both the Kentucky Derby and Preakness, and Classic Cat, winner of the Lexington at Keeneland and third in the Preakness.-; ' : Gary Stevens, who rode Silver Charm last year, will try to foil a Triple Crown bid today when he rides Victory Gallop. Kent Desor-meaux, who rode Free House to a third place in the 1897 Eelmont, will ride Real Quiet, as he has done since the colt broke his maiden last year at Santa Anita. 'He's gotten good at the right time, and we're enjoying the ride,' said Mike Pegram, Real Quiet's owner. It's really been some ride for the bay colt, who had a surgical procedure, involving wire and screws, to straighten bis front legs before he was sold for for $17,000 as a yearling at the 1996 Keeneland September sale. 'It's no big deal,' Baffert said of the surgical procedure. 'It's been going on for a long time.' Real Quiet failed to win in his first six starts, all at a mile or less, because. Baffert couldn't find any longer races for the maiden. One of those starts was in the seven-furlong Indian Nations Cup at Santa Fe Downs in New Mexico. He finished third. Pegram said the colt ran at Santa Fe because the race had a $571,000 purse and he hadn't been nominated for the $1 million Breeders' Cup Juvenile over 1 1-16 miles at Hollywood Park. Pegram noted that Real Quiet earned $70,000 as a maiden. Should Real Quid win the Belmont, he would earn $600,000 from a $1 million purse and also get a $5 million bonus offered by Visa. Real Quiet broke his maiden, then finished third, with excuses, in the 1 1- 'tana fcsl aMvra J J '- J-.X- - .. . 1919 Sk-Barton t'0 C-' '.:. 1935 Omaha t:C7 J 1941 Whirl away 1143 Cc r.t 1946 Assault 13 catiwi ' ' 1973 Secretariat IZ7T :t;:Z- 1978 Affirmed John Loftus Vmliam Saunders F5die Arcaro -.1 . 1 , Warren Mehrtens :.;:,'. 3 RonTurcotte . i C 1 . Steve Cauthen 1973 Secretariat R, Turcotte 1CC9 Easy Goer P. C j 11 1992 A.P. Indy E. Delahoussaye 2:262 wortd rocord tor the 1 12-milo drUanc on a dirt tne M 1522 Bsr'-yr.-: did not run 1944 PerwSvaj 2nd i;:: . . .7, J., 7 . ' ' 1961 Carry Eack - 7i - . : ; - .i: 1966 Kauai Kin - 4th i::3f. ; r zi 1969 Majestic Prince 2nd 1S71C: 3' ' O 1979 Spectacular Bid , 3rd :i r: it r a ' ' 1987 Atysheba 4th Sur:y::.x 2r4 1997 Silver Charm 2nd New York Racing Association 16-mile Kentucky Jockey Club last year at Quire-hill Downs, and concluded his 2-year-old campaign with a victory in the 1 1-16-mile Grade I Hollywood Futurity on Oct 14 at Hollywood Park. Real Quiet opened his 3-year-old campaign by finishing eighth on a sloppy track in the Golden Gate Derby on Jan, 18 at Golden Gate Fields. . In his next two starts, he finished second in the San Felipe and in the Santa Anita Derby, won by stablemate Indian Charlie Then he launched his drive to become racing's 12th Triple Crown winner and first since Mfimred in 1978. Desormeaux said he knew Real Quiet was something special when h8 won the Hollywood Futurity. 'I asked him to run, and he took off ,' the teckey recalladL I asked him to slow down and he C A ai I asked him to run again s J I s woa' ; Other horses wl i TdIa Crown experience in the LJmont are Hot Wells, fourth in the Prcncrs; Parade Ground, sixth in the Darby; tlanuman Highway, seventh in the Derby, Chi-lito, Uth in the Derby, and Basic Trainee, last in the Derby and eighth in the Preakness. Scoreboard ? '.peasatt (Mmm Toon b CAPS) MAJOR UAGil RASOAU IUnWiAILUA6 ST.LOUIS Son Fran. MTtR-LEASUI TEXAS SEATTLE AMArTH BALTIMORE BOSTON OH CUBS NY YANKEES TORONTO OAKLAND TAMPA BAY CMond PTfTSeURGH ' HOUSTON MILWAUKEE 5H-6H 8-9 , Pick EVEH6 6-7 714-814 11-13 714-8)4 54-614 74J 614-7)4 , 8-9 ' 8-9 7)4-8)4 Datroi So Dwta Im Aaaatn Colorodo Alkaau Chi VVhaoS CINCINNATI Konm Of COUKX WOSJ) $TJ$ fltim (by n 4 f Arbono SkM 11, Rondo Stota 10 ; , t Mm 3, long aao Stota I , Sotfvojntt ftov JkJ . : 1SU 1Z Soutiam Cat 10 J Miaaanpi Stak 14, Florida 13 t - Saaan, Hay 31 Araaio Stak 9, Miami 2 , long Baodi Stota 7, Florida Stota nonoo son awitnomi AaMapVft ilHO ' ISU ia Mininrpi Stan 8 SouawmCoi lj Hondo 10, 11 Wnc, Rondo waalWKlltti . limoau. ja I long Baock Stota 6, MkMi X Mart SouharrrCai 7. r Mirni Stota I, IWMBaaalfil aBV lawaWlaPl . Aram to'l4?tarbadi Stat 4, long Baock Stola atnwuad - ! Soatham UuT Fraiaf, Ana S Col 7, ISU 3 , at. ' Gom 14 Arim Stok (41-22) Col (4817 9J0 It. Al Suapandod Anaholrn Anoab monooar Tarry CoUim and Karaaa City Royab monagor Tony Mutor tor aight rai Konaaa Gtv SS Foiix Anortmoi fiva gamoii AhuJmnii RHP Jock McDowall for four Phtt Novn for tiwoo oantosi Anoiwim RHP Rich DaUKia and Arnhaim LHP MHca Horn for two gomaa. Karoos Cm RHP Jim PHtslty and Karaaa Gty RHP Scott Sonnet for two oaniot. and AnonMit INF Fronk Bolidt onoj Ano hovn OF OojTwn MoavKn for ono ojomo for fair ports in a brawl on Juno Z Ftfiod KonsoB Gty ooochot Rich Oouor ond Jqjttm) CKitfitf ond Anohovn coach Joo Moddon on undnriod acnount. BALTIMORE OlOtcS furchaaad tS ccaitroct of RHP Rochomas Oykhoff front Bown of mho Eojtorn unouo. Sont RHP ifobby Munot oufrioht to Rochoi1 tar of iho Inltnow3nol lnauo. TAMPA BAY DfcVll RAYS Promot od RHP Mortt Whit to St. Potonburp, of tto Hondo S4oto looouo. Activotd DUB - - - - in i, I KiTr KOOW JOnm limn WamwJmJ ipring tioirNno ond ojnQjnod hint to Chcnntofl- or tfto South Atlantic Uoguo. Aaignod OF Koraty Kotty to ChurWiton. .'.', TEXAS RANG6RS Pknd SS Ko-vin Ebtar on h 15-doy cfaobWd (at. Fufchowd 4io cxjfRwoct of INF Scott Sholdon from Okibiiofno CJly of itto PCL . TORONTO BLUE JAYS Sigrtod OF TyVar Houfton, LHP Stavan Morroy, LHP tricPlwa, IB Joy Cbom,SS Brandon Jackson, OF Ryan Homing and SS Aunrwon -Riooint. PaOtttoMl (jB ARIZONA OlAMuHCnVOS--Siojnod OF Brock McCorfjn IB Stowtwt Nadt OF Jamas Rans ond C Justin Booday. ' ATLANTA 6AVES Sionod P Johnny AAcGnas. P kaonord Tankoaky. P Don Curtia P Aaron Garmong, P Osrrick TrvHt, P AHan Score, P Louo Anooio, C Mokichnis C Jvn Dnnr ond OF Joroo SeTwnontv lOS Ar4GELBDODGB Ptocad OF Todd HoafoTaoVRpoTaS on tho 6&ooy OlaODlOO mm. rvTUKaWO YIO COnWOTJ OT INF A pmc Coro from AbtKuorquo of iSo PCL Croriod IHF Gary Rcrih to Afeuoioroo. locaM INF Adorn Raypjk from Abu oji iot quo ond pfocod him on 6&duy oSnbiod fct. MOKlREAl liXPOSAcaind RHP Mark Monojum from aho Coforodo Rockni to cornpiWto on oortor trado. ST. LOUtS CARWNALS Somd LHP ftofaort SmiL SS Jock Wfcon, and RHP Androw ShsMo. MSOTBAU . HOUSTON ROCKETS Nomad Kon Horrnon chlof oporating offtcora SACRAMENTO KINGS Nomad CtMon caractor of hckat aalas. Barry Go (kdtad ATLANTA TROJANS Sionad G Loiorut Sana ond O Donma Saak). Ptocad F Lou Moors and G Antwon Hoi) on iha moctiM kit. CONNEQICUT SKYHAWKS Rs-knaad F Krk King. Signod C Dorran DoSchryw and G Tony Horgronaa. JACKSONVIILE BARRACUDAS Actrtpotod F Tifh Mooro from tho anoctiyt fcst. LOS ANGELES SPARKS Woivad G-P Timicha Kirby and G Rahama Stophoni. FOOTBJUl imMlOasI lRRaWB slssOgalnsT ARIZONA CAKDINALS Signad Di Mik Motan. KANSAS OTY CHEFS Signad WR Andn) Roon to o four yoor osntroct NeWYOPKJtrrS-WohodDTMolt Konoloy Bornord Hokftoit LB Oog Guoft and P Robert Dtionan. Nomoo Tront Boole ond Gory Smith icoutt. OAKLAND RAIDERS Saiaaaod CB Torry McOonppi. SEATTLE SEAHAWKS Signad DT Carl Haman; WR Bobby Show and C Jaaofi McEndoo. OOBT NHtWamod Bryant McBndo vtco profvan(ouMiooi oaTpotoprnont. uofON WUINS Signod D Stsono BtOT to o wroofoor oontroot. CAROLINA HU(1(ICArS Signsd D Soon to o mtiHijfoar contract. SOCtJ . COLORADO RAPIDS Rsfscaod MF MorxiUsnho from hit ODfittoct COUKt PENNSYLVANIA STATE ATHLETIC CONFERENCE Nomad Stmt Mur-roy commuwonor. m CONNECTICUT Nomad Jan Pondon oiMtont bopjbaN coach and Christy Pvtan atsnlant 0sloybol coach CONNECTICUT COUfOE Noreod Todd DoobLsr mon'i ond worn on't tortno ond suadi ooach. KANSAS Announcod &Ht rsMipna lon of Roland ThomoFOiV woiTMn tonno ooach, to occopt sho tamo potihon ot North Capokno. MclHC4ST-amad Farlsy You-man mon i tonno ooooS. PACE-4anod Romono Pohporo dV of mm om rats PARIS fcawki Fndoy of t FranoS Mntanns cnarnpionsMpi at NOtana warroi Sasslaiski Corte. Moya (121 Spain, daf. Fab ntio (15), Spot), 5-7, 6-2. 64, 6-2. Akm Cornmo (14V Soon, daf. Codric FfoanSf Franco, 6-3. o4, 6-2. Lndaoy Downport, Nawpoit Baodt, Cofi., and Naloaho bmmi Ml Bakmii, daf. Anna Koumltova, Ruuio, ana una Naaand (8i lohio, 6-3, 6-2. Mulaiu Mngs, Swiiailuiid, and Jona Nowsio (21 Caadi Rapufafc, daf. AronM Sonchas WoVio, Span, ond fWana Sukwo (3 CaaA Rapubic, 7-5, 7-6 (7-2). . Rsbad RasHss Vanua WssOTaSkalsiock Goran. Fkv, and Josh Giwslob, Kay Bocoyna, Bo., daf. Sarans Wam, Pats iaadi Gardant, Flo, and U Lobo, Ajgantan, 64, 64. Bsdlls ' Jot Da Arms, Vanawala, and frnando GoraokK. OA, daf. FMpp tongsr ond Phapp Mulnar, Auorio, 64 6-2. Juan Carloi Farraro and Faiciano lopai. Spoil, daf. Tomes CoW and Jsi Vrkko, Cadi Rapubic, S-7, 64. 64. Xm Ojowv sbomb, ond Uma Dokc Aiatroko. daf. Ban, Donido. Graaca. ond Tina Par. Sknsnio. W, 64, 6-1 Bono Oamoio ond Nodajdo Patroua, Rusia daf. Ooriaa farnondai and Morio- bro 5an, Anana, S-l, -. KC SCumS UAhS NEW YORK NH acorM kndan tnwqk Jus 4 ' r m rm Dm ..AT 4 15 19 20 Dal ..17 3 12 17 6 Fadorw. Dot ..17 8 8 16 12 HaMrom. Dst ..17 6 8 14 14 Oaks. Was ...17 5 9 14 8 1 by Jeff Millar end Dill Hinds (SLgPj 9miEfiV rMAYWAV i ' , ffnl rrr FiSfff i osaik f i j m asn 'in - . i v araa - m a' ' - . - g . n ajSaH iWsua FOiiTsK 48 ftufr RICHMOND, Va kcsin Fndoy in onMylng far poaoara 1-25 m Saturday mghTi Poniac Eiatamant 400 Winston Cup roct ot ftchmond Intoitotnna) Rocowoy won cor winbir, dnvor, honwtowfv typo of cor ond owJiffTpfl Bood n nphi 1.24$ JWGonWValajo, Cotf. Owmial, 125J58, track mcerd; old ncord 124.757. Gordon, March 3, 1995. - I (94) Rid 8k EdgarW. WaFord. I25J02. . ' 3. (40) Staling Muin, Coksnfass, Tana, Chamlal, 124.977. . 124J) D' im'- rUfY' N.C Fori . iJR) Kamy Wdkn, St. Lous, Ford, 6. (46) AIT Graan, OwansMre, Ky, ChMolat, 124J35. 7. 33 Kon Schraojrt fontoi Mo Otamiit, 124J06. 8. pi Johmy Banaon, Grand Itopka, MioV raid, 124.161. 9. (97) Chad liana. Spokons, Wash, Font 124.149. 10 (16) Tod Mums, franUn, Ws, Ford, II 124.1 Konny IrwiRt bdsORopohi Ford, 123' 12. (j) lotto SpoauV JuckaOi Mai. Ford, ) JofT Burton, Sousk Boswon Vol li(W)JaF Ford. 123.950 14. (18) Bobby labora, Corpua Oiriat, Taasa, Psniioc 123791. 15. (12) Jaianiy Atarkakt Onnbors, Ky, Ford, 123768. 16. (51 Trv lobonta. Coma Chriat Taan, CWoW, 123751. 17. 177) aobart Pnasay, Aawvaa, HC, Ford, 123.723. IE (42) Jo NarMChak. Ldcalord, Ho, Oamolat, 123721 196) MorkAVarBBatasA.Aii, Ford, 20 (90) Dick Tridua, Wsconan RopdC na., roro, uj oe. 123 21. (94) Bl FJtorl, DowwnvOa, Go, ford. 3.41. 123. 22. (2) Rusy Wotaot, St Lous. Ford, 4UO. 23. 06) km Irasv Umm, Calf, Hoc, 123J 3J61. 24. (27) Word Burton. Sou Boston. Vo. Fonlior, 123.361. fcxi'i&'jiQ kdh' Qmm K1- llockyfcdo, ChMptoL, Vo, Ford. 4 Kyki Fatly, Ronchrnon, PLC, Ponaoc, (5qRordyLoJ(riorcsVCorrL.Oia RWt. 123.181. y (13) John AiadnML kidkinapOaaV Pontkc 123.136. (96) DoW Graan, Oboro, Ky. Chav rdal 123085. Q5) Todd Bodha, Oianiang. MY. Por oc. 123.074 i (41) Sam Graaom, GodHsm. Alo, OW nwt, 123.040 (21) Mdnal Wokrip, CWaboro, Ky. Ford. 123X35. (71) Dm Monk, Wausau, Wa. OW bt, 122.923. 13) Jarry Nod3u, Dorbury, Com, Ford, (3) Dolt EarfSaroX Konnopoai, N.C Chnralat, 12290ft -: (23) Jnffiy Spoiov, BaWwdta Po, Fonlj 122861. -' (1) Darral Wokrip, Frankln, Tarn, Owv nas. 122.744 , Wnkit,., sJ-J.- a. i i , dooo rwjrrTjFjon, nosfrtrsft) iswv Chsmokst. 122.688 JMca,.RodaVidg.yd, J i (30) Dmlct Copo, Spanoway, WoA, S - TODAY i English Ooen (GLF) BtesMttaH: Coiege Wood Series Championsnip (CSS) , t sa ncMi: wolah iwsiai nesi ., ktotbaN: Women's Wold Charrvicsishipa (NIBC) . ... artf: Nike Miami Valley Open (GLF) Ootfi Mcheioc) Ligtit Classic (ESPN2) U.-. TasMshK French Open: Women's Final (NBC) ... aoabaH: Dodgers at Mariners (FOX) off: PGA Kemper Open (C8S) Aarts) radaiaT: Toyota Atlantic Series (ESPN2) . . . .. . . . . Her rmcmit: Belmont Stakes (ABC) Mf: Senior PGA NatwiwirJe Ovjrnpionships (ESPN) .. . Jkato racing: NASCAR Pontiac Excitement 400 (ESPN) . . raares at Hangers ...... .. Rockies at Angers (FSW) AM TV tfma are assajact t csuaiac. Uattsoia mtm . . t . . 6 a.m. t . 9:30 a.m. . .. 10a.m. , . .. to am. . . 10:30 am. i . .ll:30ajtv ;s .. .i. noon i v ... J p.m. j ... 1 p.m. x .. l:304m . . . 1:30 p.m. ..2:30p.m. .. 4:30 p.m. '-. . . 5:30 p.m. ' 7 n m WtMjMa. I ' TODAY tUgm ackcMl track: CF State Track Meet Centos Cotege. TBA TODAY Dodgers vs. Manners, I pjn. (1450 KGAM-AM) Angels vs. Fkxtaes, 7 p.m. (1400 KESQ-AM) Gresnfcs V Aficr 1 urJirulcd $3.' Replay $3.' Tvailiht Aficr 4ri $7.' 13 phy csd $75. 13 Tuckst rir.s card $35 MhtrdNiM- I.IiniGclf i Lit TZT z ziizs Good ma:3 1 snspy j Sui.:rT p JafT ' 1'. :r' zzizl' S 2 pliy fr $15 i 2 phycr 13 hohs $23.'S 1 1 ti:.;rfTm i J.-Jnn : ' C1 S. El Gclj g-t Falsi SFrir-s1! r.llt So. cf fce Airport ' Palm Springs Country Club -j, 2500 Whitewater dub Drive Oi (1 block west of Gene Antry off Vista Chino) Indian Springs Golf Course 12 Mile North of Hwy. Ill cm Jefferson T-40 yds. Par liy-T C!I Osarnptonship Courses : Driving RangssV PVactice Grswns PGAXKtA Staff ', FcxkJ Sarvlcarflar ' Tave for , - - Two for $35.00 yvrif- Country Club Indian SrHrs Country Club jr(iBs,ririi)-7 25-3360 IT5 i 1-71 u- for our 'Clow CH' Tournament Sar.M- ZS.Ca ffr Person PaJm r?rir-i , (rmtelrtd. cart) Juno 12. M.J - trnT'n Springs Jultjm Dr. Stephen R. Steele I i Whether you are a 'tri-athlete' or an executive running the 'rat-race', let Dr. Steele, a 1 Board Certified , Sports , Medicine Physician, keep you ' -1 at the peak of health. ' I - A 1 , ' -r ' ) v : Call for appt: (760) 360-1433 41123 Washington Street, Suite 1C1 Q;rmuda DunesPA 92201 k

The game divides the tracks into five categories:. The tracks 'Success' and 'Death' are not included and are played when the player levels up and dies, respectively. Contents.Soundtrack There are 28 tracks in total but only 26 are included in the soundtrack. They do not have the descriptive track-names and ID3-tags you'd get by purchasing them from Directsong, but are otherwise identical.The music varies from slow, 'exploration' themes to faster, 'battle' themes. It is often easy to tell when an enemy sees the player character because the music will change sharply. Elder scrolls iv oblivion keygen music.

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