Cleaning With Baking Soda

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It is not a denying fact that for the maintenance of furniture regular cleaning is necessary. Most people think if the floor looks clean it means the home is clean from all aspects. But no, there is also a need to remove dirt from other upholstery like sofa and chair.

'These ingredients are great, all-natural cleaning agents, especially in place of many conventional oven cleaners which can often leave harmful residual vapors in your oven,' says Melissa Poepping, natural cleaning expert and author of the 'Chemical Free Home' series.Both non-toxic and safe to use around food surfaces, baking soda.

Many homeowners reported having certain health problems like asthma and allergies. The solution to this problem is the use of a vacuum that sucks harmful debris from our couch. Besides, some complaints about the typical odor from the sofa!

You can clean it by sprinkling chemicals like baking soda on it. Let’s find out how you can clean the sofa with baking soda.

  • 2 Types of Upholstery fabrics of the sofa
    3 Why identify the tags on upholstery before cleaning?
    4 What are the properties of baking soda for deep cleaning?
    5 What are the steps for sofa cleaning with baking soda?
    6 Are there any other alternative upholstery cleaners than baking soda?
  • Why identify couch fabric before cleaning?

    Before you help your sofa to get rid of unmanageable stains look for the fabric of the upholstery! It is, in fact, the first thing you must do to prevent a sofa from any damage. It is also due to the reason you can find various types of upholstery fabrics and it requires different cleaning treatments.

    The appropriate cleaning method according to the fabric gives impeccable outcomes. Experts also recommend not using any solvent randomly for cleaning the sofa. If you do not know the upholstery material! This way you can also increase the durability of your couch for long term use.

    Types of Upholstery fabrics of the sofa

    Cleaning the upholstery is not a difficult task. However, it can be when you do not take preventive measures. Below are the types of upholstery fabrics so that you can choose the cleaning method accordingly!


    The durable fabric comes in multiple polish, texture, colors, and patterns. It can make the room attractive but requires extra protection. The cleaning of this fabric can be quite challenging. Because the moisture gives rise to mildews! The experts advise using a small quantity of either vinegar or leather to wipe off the stains. The use of baking soda also guarantees the safety of this upholstery with most cleaning.


    The fabric is a soft and warm material which most of the time has a stain-resistant finish. Therefore, the handling of such upholstery is not an arduous job. For the removal of stubborn stains! You can go with the isopropyl alcohol spray and then wipe the area thoroughly. In this regard, avoid using the cleaners that have Perchloroethylene because it contains a chlorinated solvent that can harm the upholstery.


    As compared to other types of upholstery, the maintenance of leatherette is less detailed. You do not require any fancy solution for stain removal. If you see any stains on your leatherette then you can use simple liquid dish soap for cleaning. Also, make sure to mix the liquid dish soap with water to ensure it becomes a mild solution. Otherwise, it may have an adverse effect on your upholstery.


    This comes under the natural upholstery that is made of 100% natural fibers. It has seen that upholstery textile absorbs water. Therefore using water-based cleaners can be the wrong choice. Often, steam cleaning works well in the sofas graced in velvet fabric. Besides, you can also have the option to sprinkle baking soda over the stains to remove dirt.


    It is the most common type of upholstery because of its luxurious appearance. However, its cleaning becomes a big challenge for most of the house owners. For a fact, it can’t stand any kind of liquid, therefore, using baking soda works best. In this way, baking soda will absorb the grease and muddy spots without damaging the upholstery. However, the small quantity of vinegar yields promising outcomes. Moreover, it is an alternative to baking soda cleaning method.

    Why identify the tags on upholstery before cleaning?

    The codes that the manufacturer has written under the sofa seat! It serves an important function. If you have not noticed it up till now then do pay attention to it once you plan sofa cleaning. There are four codes that you find without which you can’t clean your sofa appropriately.

    Code W

    The code W means you can opt for water-based cleaners for your upholstery. However, you need to keep in view not utilizing tap water while you prepare the solution. As it contains a good amount of minerals which may spoil the sofa fabric! You can use any upholstery cleaner on the stains and spills without any worry.

    Code X

    If you find code X on your sofa then it is not a good sign. This is because it will limit you from the usage of any water-based cleaner. Although, the manufacturers do not put this code now as it is hard on cleaning! You can only choose a brush or vacuum to gently remove the stains.

    Code S

    This code indicates that you can only clean the sofa fabric with the mild water-free cleaner. The fabric does not be secure if comes in contact with the water. Also, the stubborn stains and spills need to be wash immediately. As it will become the permanent part of your sofa.

    Code SW

    If your sofa has this code from the manufacturer it means both wet and dry cleaners you can use. Ideally, you should give preference to professional cleaning when you have a sofa with this code. However, in case your budget does not allow you then use a solvent-based cleaner that may work.

    What are the properties of baking soda for deep cleaning?

    It does not go without saying that baking soda is a common household staple. The baking soda, a neutral compound is also a well-known cleaning agent for ages. It can neutralize both acid and base with a pH higher than the neutral. Therefore, baking soda becomes slight basic. This is why it severs as a cleaning substance.

    In particular, it comes as a gentle abrasive cleaner. It is for the removal of stubborn stains from your upholstery textile. It has the following cleaning properties that you must know for the deep cleaning of the sofa.

    Odor Removal

    The sofa is vulnerable to catch certain odors from the surrounding like pets and spills. This odor can be of mild or severe intensity that depends upon the fabric of the sofa. In this regard, baking soda can eliminate any type of smell. As it neutralizes both acid and bases! The baking soda works more effectively as it does not mask the odors as air fresheners do. It completely absorbs the foul smell from the sofa.

    Abrasive nature

    Another reason why specialist recommends baking soda, it is good for deep cleaning of the sofa due to its abrasive quality. The baking soda makes sure the grease and debris dissolve in water to make your sofa clean and new. All you need to do is sprinkle a small amount of baking soda on the sponge. The baking soda will be the mild abrasive scrubbing chemical and prevent discoloration.

    What are the steps for sofa cleaning with baking soda?

    It is an inevitable fact that your sofa will catch dirt and stains no matter how many preventions you do. Therefore, deep cleaning is the only way to make your sofa look appealing again. Once you have all the knowledge about your upholstery fabric and the cleaning codes.

    If you have planned to go with the baking soda method then you have to follow a certain route. Otherwise, there is no use of investing your effort and time to clean your sofa. There are certain tools you need before you start off the cleaning. It includes a vacuum, lukewarm water, baking soda, microfiber cloth or sponge.

    Once you get these basic sofa cleaning essentials then get ready to get the brand new sofa again. Below are the necessary steps that you have to follow if you want to deep sofa cleaning.

    STEP 1

    The first and foremost thing before cleaning your sofa is the removal of extra stuff present on the sofa. It can be either the cushions or the toys of your child that can hinder the process of cleaning. After that, use your hand-held vacuum to eradicate all the large debris from the sofa; it can be pet hair, crumb or any other particles.

    For cleaning your sofa, keep an eye on the vacuum that removes the dirt from every nook. Do target the back and side portions of the sofa. As the dirt remains everywhere despite the location of your sofa! Meanwhile, vacuum the cushions of the sofa if it’s removable. To reach the inside of the crevices it has advised to make use of gentle attachment like soft brushes.

    STEP 2

    Now that you have vacuumed the upholstery, it is time to treat the specific stains on your sofa. If the stains you want to target are fresh and wet then do the moisture blotting as soon as possible. It can also give rise to molds and mildews in case you fail to do so. Thus, to lift away these types of solid stains you can use the tip of the knife.

    You can also get rid of wet stains with any other thing that has edges. In this process, always remember not to rub or scrub the region. As it will further push the stain deeper into your sofa which may become permanent later!

    STEP 3

    This step is quite necessary because without which you will be unable to do deep sofa cleaning. Choose the cleaning method by reading the codes given. However, baking soda can be used for only leather and natural upholstery. This method is not as difficult hence you have to sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda over the stain. The baking soda shows it’s dry after 15 to 20 minutes and you can scrub it off from your couch.

    STEP 4

    The rinse is also the chief step in the cleaning of the sofa. Because the baking soda left on the couch can be damaging for the fabric. Therefore, clean it off with the sponge dipped in clean water. Also, you can let it dry with the help of a fan but do not dry the couch with a heat dryer. As the fabric can shrink when comes in direct contact with the heat.

    Are there any other alternative upholstery cleaners than baking soda?

    Although baking soda is the solution for the unmanageable stains on your couch but only leather and natural upholstery. Therefore, we also have other options for those of you who own a sofa with other upholstery fabric. We have mentioned various other cleaners for the dirt removal.

    DIY Methods:

    First off the easiest way to wipe out the stain is by using dishwashing soap. Yes, you heard it right. All you can do is mix the dishwashing soap with one cup of warm water. Keep stirring once the water and dishwashing soap makes viscous foam. Another alternative you have is the shampoo cleaner. It also has the ability to target the stain from all over the sofa. It can be applied to the dirty spot in two ways.

    You can either mix it with water or so you can dip the sponge in the shampoo. The white vinegar can also be the best upholstery cleaner by using it by the wet rag. It is possible that your sofa will catch its odor but it fades away within a couple of hours. Besides, hydrogen peroxide is another method for upholstery cleaning. Use a small quantity of this solution to save your upholstery fabric.

    Other functional products:

    You will be surprised to know that products like baby wipes and dryer dry clean cloth can do deep sofa cleaning! There are various reasons why these products serve an upholstery cleaning purpose. In this view, baby wipes are quite gentle and also not wet with a mild amount of cleaning solution. Another product is the oxy-clean which is used to remove the stains and dirt from the couch. Add the water in this product and apply it over the upholstery fabric.


    In the cleaning process, using chemical-based or unnatural cleaning agents can be hazardous. You can buy safe upholstery products like baking soda that will clean the sofa within no time. While you start sofa cleaning, keep in view certain tips that can make this task quite easier.

    While you target greasy spots, does not mix cold water instead use warm water. Likewise, for non-greasy stains we recommend you to use cold water. Also, if you are not home for a week or so then cover it up with slipcover to refrain from dirt.

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    Baking Soda or Sodium Bicarbonate is one of the most versatile ingredients in your kitchen. Everyone knows that baking soda is widely used in baking. But, very few know that uses for baking soda ranges from cleaning your home to improving your health.

    Baking Soda is a miraculous product with diverse uses. And it’s natural and inexpensive! It also has a rich history of being used as cleanser, soother, and deodorizer.

    Baking Soda is being actively used as an ingredient for cleaning various stuff. So having a box of baking soda at home is very useful and can make your cleaning chores very easy to accomplish. So have a look at the various amazing uses of baking soda and start implementing them from today itself!

    1. Eliminate pesticides off Produce

    Switching to Organic produce is the best way to eliminate pesticides, but organic produce is expensive and not widely available. However, you can easily get rid of pesticides, dirt, and contaminants from conventional produce by washing them using baking soda. Follow these steps next time you wash produce:

    • Make a mixture of water, vinegar, and baking soda.
    • For skinned veggies & fruits like apple, gourds, etc pour the mixture into a bottle and spray it 5-6 times.
    • Let it stand for 1-2 mins, then rinse with clean water and eat.
    • For leafy veggies, soak them into the mixture for 1-2 mins.
    • Rinse with clean water and eat.

    2. Clean Comb & Hair Brushes

    Hair Brushes and Combs are dirt magnets. Apart from catching surrounding dirt, they also catch dandruff, oil and other stuff from your hair every time you comb or brush your hair. If you don’t wash it regularly, these things go back to your hair and making them dirty.

    It is recommended to wash your comb and hair brushes once a week but if you don’t get enough time at least try to wash them every 3-4 weeks. Just soak them in a cup of warm water mixed with a teaspoon of baking soda and some shampoo for a few hours. Baking soda will act on the dirt and oil to make your comb and hairbrushes clean again.

    3. Restore Silver

    You can easily restore the shine of tarnished silver by following these steps. This works only for original silver cutleries or ornaments.

    • Boil 2 cups of water, add 2 tablespoon baking soda and a pinch of salt along with an aluminum foil.
    • Dip silverware in water for 15-20 seconds. (longer if it’s highly tarnished)
    • Take the silver items and dip them in water mixture and wrap them in another aluminum foil.
    • Keep’em in foil for 15-20 seconds.

    Your tarnished silver items will regain its shine easily.

    4. Clean Oral Appliances

    Having good oral hygiene is extremely important. To maintain good oral hygiene, it’s important to clean your oral appliances like toothbrush, retainers, and dentures from time to time. Since they go in the mouth, the last thing you would want is to clean them using chemicals.

    If you want to clean them naturally without chemical cleaners, just add 2 teaspoons of baking soda in a cup of warm water and soak them in it overnight.

    5. Clean Food Residue

    Residue or burned residue after cooking is one of the toughest things to clean in Kitchen. Follow these steps to easily clean off the residue left after cooking food:

    • Firstly, take the pan or pot you want to clean and fill it with water.
    • Add a cup of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of baking soda to it.
    • Let it sit for 8-10 mins, empty it and scrub the pan or pot with a scrubber.
    • Still got some residue on it? Apply a paste made with equal parts of baking soda and vinegar where needed and scrub. Done!

    6. Unclog Kitchen Sink

    Why use chemicals to unclog your kitchen drain when you can unclog it naturally? Follow the steps here to unclog your drains naturally:

    • First, break and loosen the clog using a plunger.
    • Once Loosened, pour a pot of boiling water down the drain.
    • Now, put half to a quarter cup of baking soda and let it sit for 3-5 mins. Meanwhile, make a mixture of a cup of vinegar and a cup of boiling water.
    • Pour it on the baking soda and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.
    • Now Finish it by pouring one more pot of boiling water.

    You would also like these clever vinegar cleaning hacks.

    7. Clean Microwave Oven

    Want to get rid of stains or cooked food odor from the microwave quickly? Follow these steps for an odorless microwave:

    • Add a cup of water in a microwave-safe bowl and mix it with 2 tablespoons of baking soda.
    • Put the bowl in the microwave and let it run for 2-3 minutes. (don’t cover it)
    • The steam from water and baking soda mixture will deodorize the microwave and also loosen up caked stains inside the microwave.

    Done! Your microwave is fresh and clean again in just 5 minutes.

    8. Get Rid of Oil and Grease Naturally

    It’s very hard to get rid of oil and grease residue left in Kitchen after cooking fried food. Just wiping them water and cloth won’t remove it. Follow these steps to get rid of grease stains from items in the kitchen.

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    • Sprinkle some baking soda on the item you want to clean.
    • Spray some Vinegar on it to dampen the surface. When combined Vinegar and baking soda are amazing cleaning combo.
    • Let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then Wipe down the greasy area with a damp sponge.
    • Follow up by wiping with a clean damp cloth.

    9. Baking Soda Floor Cleaner

    Cleaning your floor without using chemicals is one of the many amazing uses of baking soda. Follow the steps to remove dirt and grime without leaving unwanted marks on your floor. Make a baking soda cleaner and store it in a bottle for use. Here’s how to:

    • Take 1/2 cup of vinegar and mix it with half a cup of baking soda.
    • Add a tablespoon of hot water in the mixture.
    • Mix it in water in place of chemical cleaner when required.

    Remove scuff marks:

    Just take some baking soda on a clean and damp cloth to scrub the marks. Rinse and let dry, scuff marks will be gone.

    10. Remove Crayons from Wall

    Easily clean your kid’s creativity on walls using baking soda. Just take baking soda on a slightly wet cloth and rub on the stain. Wipe off with a clean and dry cloth. Make sure you rub lightly or paint will peel off.

    11. Clean Tea and Coffee Stains

    Follow the steps to clean tea and coffee stains using just baking soda.

    • Firstly, dampen the stained surface.
    • Sprinkle some sodium bicarbonate and scrub off the stains using a damp cloth.
    • If that does not work, apply a thick paste of baking soda and white vinegar over it and let it sit overnight.
    • Scrub it off in the morning.

    12. Clean Brass

    Take a lemon wedge and sprinkle some baking soda on it. Use this baking soda lemon to easily clean and shine the brass objects.

    13. Detergent Booster

    This is an amazing hack for your laundry in the list of baking soda uses. Adding a cup of baking soda to laundry will boost your detergent. Your clothes will be cleaner, brighter and fresher if use baking soda with detergent.

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    You can also remove perspiration stains just by giving your clothes a baking soda pretreatment. How? Just rub baking soda and water paste on the stains, let it sit for 30-40 minutes and wash with rest of the laundry.

    Borax is also an amazing laundry booster. Check out these amazing borax cleaning hacks.

    14. Baking Soda Carpet Cleaner

    You might be cleaning your carpet with cleaners available in the market. They contain harsh chemicals which can be harmful to your children and pets. Why use them when you can use baking soda to make a natural and chemical-free carpet cleaner. Making it is this easy.

    Just mix 1 cup each of baking soda, water, and vinegar. Tada! Your carpet cleaner is ready. Vinegar works exceptionally well in cleaning and has some amazing cleaning hacks.

    15. Clean stains from Plastic Containers or Tupperware

    Plastic containers tend to get stained from anything you store in them. However, you can easily remove stains from them using baking soda and warm water.

    Fill half the container with warm water, add 2-4 tbsp baking soda in it. Let them soak in the mixture for an hour before cleaning.

    16. Get rid of Mildew from Bathroom

    Take a damp sponge and sprinkle baking soda on it. Clean your tile, shower curtains, tub, etc by scrubbing with the sponge containing baking soda. Rinse to reveal shiny surfaces.

    17. Add to Dishwasher

    Adding some amount of baking soda to the regular cycle of the dishwasher helps in eliminating unwanted grease from your pans and dishes and also easily remove baked-on food from ’em.

    18. Deodorize Your Sponges

    After a certain time interval, sponges tend to smell like mildew. Baking soda is perfect to remedy to get rid of the smell and freshen up your sponges.

    Just mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda in half a liter of warm water, then soak the sponges in it for a few hours. This will eliminate the stale smell from overused sponges.

    19. Freshen up your Fridge

    If some food turns bad inside the refrigerator, it leaves a foul smell inside it for days and also ruins neighboring food by transferring the smell to it. Baking soda can be used to prevent this from happening. How? Just place an opened box of baking soda inside your refrigerator and freezer to help neutralize odors.

    Baking soda absorbs strong food odor, so they don’t change the taste and smell of neighboring food items. Replace it every 3-4 months, it may need faster replacing if it starts to absorb too many odors.

    Since your fridge is cleaned now, organize it with these brilliant fridge organization ideas.

    20. Deodorize your Carpet

    Of all the smells, urine smell (both cat and dog) are most difficult to tackle. But, you can easily get rid of urine smells of a pet from carpet by using baking soda. Just sprinkle some baking soda on the smelly area of carpet and leave it for 30 minutes, then vacuum up. Easy!

    You can use WD 40 to get rid of carpet stains, WD 40 has some amazing hacks.

    21. Deodorize shoes

    Shoes tend to get smelly if not worn even for 2-3 days, especially in humid weather. Easily freshen up your shoes using baking soda, it is a great deodorizer. Sprinkle some baking soda in the smelly shoe and let it sit overnight. Dump out the powder before you wear and your shoes will smell fresh.

    22. Deodorize Closet

    Closet tend to smell musty after a certain interval due to humidity. Easy solution- baking soda! Just placing an open box of baking soda in the closet will help fight the odor and keep your clothes and closet smell fresh always.

    Related:Awesome Closet Organization ideas for perfect Closet

    23. De-Stink Trashcans

    Trashcans can become too stinky sometimes. Although, a trashcan is always stinky. But you can neutralize the odor by sprinkling a layer of baking soda at the bottom of the trashcan and keep stinky smells away.

    Vinegar is also a great deodorizer, these vinegar hacks are a must know.

    24. Deodorize Cutting Boards

    Getting rid of food odors like garlic and onion is extremely difficult. The wooden board tends to get smelly fast as wood absorbs smell faster than plastic and ceramic. However, you can easily get rid of the smell by scrubbing chopping board with water and baking soda solution.

    25. Deodorize Dishwasher

    Cleaning With Baking Soda

    Like the bathroom, a dishwasher can quickly begin to smell like mildew. You don’t want your dishes to smell of mildew. It’s easy to deodorize, you just need to sprinkle baking soda inside the dishwasher before cleaning every load of dishes. It also helps with cleaning.

    26. Freshen up Water Bottle

    Are plastic water bottles smelling stale? Just put 2 tsp of baking soda and fill it with water. Leave overnight to get rid of the smell. Rinse well before using again.

    27. Deodorize Luggage

    Is that old trunk smelling suspicious? Sprinkle some baking soda in the trunk, let it sit for some days and bid bon voyage to smells. Make sure to vacuum the trunk before using again.

    28. Deodorize Hands

    Removing onion and garlic odor from hand can be extremely tough. Sometimes it’s so bad that it does not get out even after washing hands with soap. However, washing your hands with baking soda and water can easily remove these strong odors from hand.

    In fact, you can deodorize almost anything in your home just by sprinkling some baking soda. The list to freshen up things around your home will never end if I cover everything.

    29. Baking Soda uses for Gardening

    Sodium bicarbonate or Baking soda works great for plants and soil, it is a natural plant growth booster. Baking soda reduces the acid level of the soil. Baking soda makes a great pesticide.

    Make a spray by mixing baking soda, water and a small amount of olive oil to kill spider, mites, and aphids. It also prevents fungal disease on plants and can even kill slugs. You can also use Hydrogen Peroxide to get rid of pests, there are some amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide around your home.

    30. Douse Fire

    If your frying pan or stove catches small fire, just throw in baking soda and it will douse it. This works only in case of relatively small fire, if not, call 911.

    From Cleaning to Deodorizing, all of the baking soda uses are amazing and affordable. For such a low cost, there are seemingly endless ways of baking soda uses in day to day life.

    If you found the post useful, don’t forget to share it!

    What’s your favorite use for baking soda? Try out these baking soda uses and let us know the results in comments below.